Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Paypal Here B2B Marketing Plan - 21127 Words

PayPal HereTM [pic] 2. Introduction of Group Project 2.1 Company, Offering, and Target Market The company for which this project is based is PayPal Here, a product of PayPal, Inc., which is a subsidiary of eBay, Inc. PayPal Here, which has only had an exclusive release in March 2012, is an innovative mobile payment solution that includes a free mobile application and a triangular plug-in card reader for mobile phones. The mobile business solution was designed to provide small business owners (in-store, off-line, online and on-the-go mobile businesses) a faster, cheaper, and more efficient method to get paid. PayPal Here will allow small businesses to accept multiple forms of†¦show more content†¦It inherited PayPal’s reputation as leader in secure electronic transaction processing. Finally, PayPal Here is a free application; the card reader costs nothing after acceptance into the project, and PayPal charges low flat rates per transaction without the added costs of a monthly fee. Since PayPal is interested in penetrating the mobile market, their goals include the widespread release of PayPal Here since it is currently only in exclusive release. By having its first mobile payment device, they are hopeful that this will be very successful in competing against Square. This will help contribute to the corporate mission and goals because they are continuing to include many different options of payments. Having a mobile payment option will especially be beneficial to small businesses, giving them a variety of different methods for payment. As mentioned above, the corporate mission of PayPal is to be the most secure, cost-effective and convenient payment solution online. By expanding to small businesses in physical locations, that mission can change from just being the best online, to the best online and in physical stores. Section 3 – Industry Dynamics 3.1 - In what stage of the product life cycle (PLC) is the group-project industry? The NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) Code for the project is 522320 as it describes financial transactions processing, reserve, and clearinghouse activities.[4] InShow MoreRelatedCase - Alibaba Group7315 Words   |  30 PagesTaobao (hunting for treasures), Alibabas online marketplace for Chinese retailers and consumers. The longest transoceanic bridge in the world had a long gestation period: the feasibility studies took a decade. and even after their approval the plans changed to connect the northern end of the bridge to Jiaxing, rather than the Jinshan suburb of Shanghai as initially planned. When the bridge was opened to the public just over a year earlier, in May 2008, it cut the trip between the cities of NingboRead Moremanagement information system5281 Words   |  22 PagesMalaysia. They always seek for new ideas and innovations by putting a lot of effort and capital on the RD investment. 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