Thursday, December 26, 2019

Essay on Ch 4 Notes Crim 260 Serial Killers - 1192 Words

Chapter 4 Social Construction of Serial Murder LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After reading this chapter, students should be able: 1. To evaluate sociological theories as they pertain to violent behavior. 2. To understand the role of family and maladaptive childhood behaviors that may portend adult criminality, especially violence. 3. To examine the incidence of school shootings by juveniles compared to adults. 4. To examine the Myers and Kirby typologies of juvenile serial killers. 5. To explore the etiology of serial murder as it relates to Hickey’s Trauma- Control Model. 6. To review the case studies as they relate to the process of becoming a serial murderer. 7. To understand the facilitators that influence the†¦show more content†¦Specifically, offenders are blocked in various ways from achieving the â€Å"American dream† through legitimate means as a result of their racial, ethnic, or subcultural standing. Structural theories offer cogent explanations for many types of crimes, but not serial murder. Approximately 75% of serial killers do not belong to a racial or ethnic minority and do not appear to be particularly motivated by social or financial gain, although there are exceptions. Certainly, serial offenders who rob their victims exist, but even then the financial reward is peripheral to the attraction of controlling and killing another human being. Social process theories contend that criminal behavior is a function of a socialization process. Offenders may turn to crime as a result of peer-group pressure, family problems, poor school performance, legal entanglements, and other situations that gradually steer them to criminal behavior. Sykes and Matza (1957) and Matza (1964) view the process of delinquent youths becoming criminals as a matter of neutralizing their personal values and attitudes as they drift between conventional behavior and illegitimate behavior. Classical control theorists would argue that people do not commit crimes such as murder because of their fear of punishment. Punishment, they believe, can serve as a deterrent to committing crimes. Hirschi found that youths who appeared to be closely attached to their parents were less likely to commit crimes. In

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Trophy Hunting A Social Construction Perspective

Trophy hunting is a wildly controversial topic, especially in today’s social media driven world. Every time a new picture of a hunter and a dead lion or other animal is posted online the media goes crazy. Africa is known for it’s beautiful landscapes, and more importantly the exotic highly sought after animals that roam the land. Africa’s most prominent animals are known as the â€Å"big five† it consists of the most challenging and rewarding animals to hunt. The big five consists of: lions, elephants, white rhinoceros, leopards, and finally the buffalo. The big five are majestic and extremely dangerous creatures, therefore they are highly sought after by mainly wealthy white males from all over the world as trophy hunts. Locals to Africa see the animals as threats to their way of life, America see’s them as exotic creatures that need to be protected, and trophy hunters see them as a challenge and another check on the list. The two perspectives I a m going to look at about this controversial topic is from a social construction perspective and a political economy perspective. Trophy hunting has sparked an outrage in today’s society however, there is a long storied history from which glorifies the art of big game hunting. â€Å"In King Solomon’s Mines, novelist H. Rider Haggard captured the imagination of Victorian England with the tale of a fearless hunter who ventured to Africa.† (G. Gustin, 2015). Haggard’s novel popularized the â€Å"white hunter† a â€Å"colonial minded Englishmen whoShow MoreRelatedKenyan Tourism Industry11160 Words   |  45 Pagesunderstanding, appreciation and conservation (Ecotourism Australia, 2003)†. International Ecotourism Society (2004) â€Å"Responsible travel to natural areas that conserve the environmental and sustain the well-being of local people†. Irrespective of unique perspectives and different definitions, there is considerable consensus that ecotourism must be beneficial to local communities and have a positive effect on protecting the environment (Buchsbaum, 2004). As the term ecotourism has evolved, definitions haveRead MoreThe Historical Transformation of Work14383 Words   |  58 Pageshuman societies, it is only in the recent past that work has become synonymous with regular paid employment, a separate sphere of specialized economic activity for which one receives payment. Thus, the current conception of work is a modern social construction, the product of specific historical conditions that are typically denoted by the term ‘industrial capitalism’. The first part of this term indicates that work is a productive activity involving machines powered by inanimate energy sources thatRead MoreStudy on Recruitment and Selection Process18240 Words   |  73 PagesReferrals Field Trips 15 CHAPTER-II INDUSTRY PROFILE 16 2.1. INTRODUCTION Steel is an alloy of iron usually containing less than 1% carbon is a versatile material with multitude of useful properties used most frequently in the automotive and construction industries. Steel can be cast into bars strips, sheets, nails, spikes, wire, rods or pipes as needed by the intended user. The consumption of steel is regarded as the index of industrialization and the economic maturity any country has attainedRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 PagesTopics Chapter 1 Modern Project Management Chapter 8 Scheduling resources and cost 1.2 Project defined 1.3 Project management defined 1.4 Projects and programs (.2) 2.1 The project life cycle (.2.3) App. G.1 The project manager App. G.7 Political and social environments F.1 Integration of project management processes [3.1] 6.5.2 Setting a schedule baseline [8.1.4] Setting a resource schedule Resource leveling 7.2 Setting a cost and time baseline schedule (1.3.5) [8.1.3] CriticalRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 PagesScale 103 Scoring Key 103 Comparison Data 103 2 MANAGING PERSONAL STRESS 105 SKILL ASSESSMENT 106 Diagnostic Surveys for Managing Stress 106 Stress Management Assessment 106 Time Management Assessment 107 Type A Personality Inventory 108 Social Readjustment Rating Scale 109 Sources of Personal Stress 111 SKILL LEARNING 112 Improving the Management of Stress and Time 112 The Role of Management 113 Major Elements of Stress 113 Reactions to Stress 114 Coping with Stress 115 Managing StressRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pagesabout right of Chicago? Thats not quite the same thing, is it? Whether New York is to the right depends on what you can safely assume about your perspective. The answer is Yes, its to the right if you can safely assume directions are to be judged by someone above the U.S. and facing north and looking down onto Earth because from that perspective the directions of east and right are the same direction. But suppose you make a different assumption. If you were standing on the North Pole, you

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Report for Ergonomic Solutions for Arthritic Workers

Question: Discuss about theReport for Ergonomic Solutions for Arthritic Workers. Answer: Introduction What is Arthritis? The human skeleton is segmented at several places for the feasibility of movement. The meeting point of two bones capable of movement can be referred as a joint. Joints vary in types according to nature of the movement required for the concerned part of the body. These articulations provide strong connection between the bones, teeth and the cartilages. Arthritis is very common clinical condition that involves certain types of disorders of the joint. It results in inflammated joints along with symptoms such as swelling, pain and stiffness of the concerned part of the body. The condition is not gender or age specific, however, it is found to be more prevalent in women and older people. In UK around 10million people suffer from the condition ( 2016); the figure is more severe in US with around 50 million adults and 300,000 children affected with Arthritis ( 2016). Types and Etiology of Arthritis There are more than 120 types of arthritis affecting different joints of the body with different etiologies. However, worldwide the most common types that are prevalent among the population are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis (Valderrabano et al 2009). Osteoarthritis the more common of the two usually occurs in women and at an old age. Cartilages, the flexible connective tissues that line the end of the bones forming a joint, tear or wear away in Osteoarthritis (Sakalauskien? and Jaunikien? 2010). It causes increased friction between the bones and eventually pain, swelling and stiffness. Increased friction may lead to bony spurs known as osteophytes. In severe conditions the patient might require a joint replacement when therapeutic interventions fail to provide enough comfort to lead a normal life. The most common areas affected by osteoarthritis are knee, hand, spine and hips. Associated risk factors include obesity, family history, age and injury to the concerned area. On the contrary Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system of the body acts against the synovium of the body, essential for the production of synovial fluid that lubricates the joints and ensures smooth movement of the joints (Wegner et al 2010). It eventually causes severe damage to the joints. The exact cause of the autoimmunity is not clear, although scientists have proven that the most potent risk factors are genetic predisposition and environmental factors. In Singapore around 45,000 (1% of the population) people in the population suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis (, 2016). Challenges for Arthritic Workers Researches show that working can help a person with some kind of disorder or health issue compared to having an unemployed life. As already mentioned, Arthritis is not age specific, it can be prevalent among the population who are at their working age and cause diverse range of problems at their workplace, irrespective of their job. Arthritis is the most common disabling epidemic with episodic symptoms such as pain and fatigue that can affect the productivity of a worker. Studies suggest that work can alleviate the problems faced by a patient with arthritis, as the symptoms tend to occur less frequently (Tang et al 2011). With appropriate monitoring of working hours and condition in the workplace work can turn out to be therapeutic for such patients. Several countries have Equality Acts in regard to work rights for employees. If the concerned person qualifies as disabled according to the definitions of the Act, the employer has to provide adequate support to its employees by providin g right tools and working conditions (Adamou et al 2011). Self-management of ones condition is another aspect, which is indispensible in such cases. Consulting the physician to gain recommendations regarding the management of work can be of helpful for the patients. Several challenges are faced by workers with arthritis in a workplace. In many occasions people are unwilling to disclose their condition in their workplace, fearing embarrassment and humiliation. People are less aware of the fact that sharing the challenges they face during work can make their employers and colleagues understand the situation and act accordingly. The employers and the colleagues must be made aware of what arthritis is, how it affects the patients and how it can be managed by making appropriate changes and adjustments. Many workers with arthritis are not aware of theirs rights when they are being discriminated at their workplace (Varekamp and Van Dijk 2010). The Equality Act has provision for people for disability in mobility, vision or hearing. It is the responsibility of the management to address such workers and create a suitable environment for workers with disabilities. According to the laws it is not even mandatory for a person to disclose their disability during recruitment or interview of a job. They need to talk about their competency and eligibility for the job post (Lockwood, G., Henderson and Thornicroft 2012). Workers suffering from arthritis must have a clear idea about their requirements and take the help of their therapist for guidelines and aims that can help them manage their condition and allow a steady productivity. Adjustments are required in the workspace for arthritic workers to cope up to the challenges efficiently. Often the employer does not provide the required tools and adjustments which poses severe challenge to workers. Findings Any worker who has to perform a same motion repeatedly or frequently is at risk of developing arthritis over the years. It can affect a diverse group of people from different domains. A worker from an automotive repair company was studied for the purpose of this report. The worker was 42 years old and is working in this profession for about the past 10 years. His working hours were from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., 5 days a week, with a one hour lunch break at 12:30 p.m. The particulars of the subject were collected by interviewing through questionnaire format. The worker suffers from arthritis in the hands. From the ergonomic study conducted on the worker it was found out that he works in a standing posture or is required go under the bonnet and car to make repairs of different parts of the car. He often experiences back pain due to working for such prolonged hours in such postures. He uses various tools like ratchet, spanners and wrenches frequently and over long periods during his working h ours for repairing purposes. He He experiences recurrent phases of pain in the hands after as well as during his working hours. His employer and colleagues ate unaware of his condition. No changes or special adjustments are provided to the worker to reduce the symptoms of his disorder. According to him, arthritis causes a lot of difficulties in his working life, decreasing his productivity and increasing absenteeism due to uncontrolled pain at times. Worker X Frequency Duration Using ratchet, spanners and wrenches Moe than 40x 1 Hour Studies have shown that various types of jobs can cause osteoarthritis in the workplace due to continued activity of a joint (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009). The repeated mechanical stress on the joint may cause metabolic and physiological abnormalities in the concerned region. Accumulation of microtraumas due to vibrations from using tools at workplace is the most potent cause for the onset of osteoarthritis in workers. Hence, workers with such jobs are exposed to the risk factors compared to the normal population. Hence in our particular case study, it is evident that the frequent and repeated use of the mentioned tools by the worker has led to his condition of arthritis in the joints of the hands. The severity of the condition needs to be assessed promptly and immediate changes must be made regarding his job, work arrangements and working hours. Discussion of Solutions and Anticipated Challenges Arthritis is a fluctuating disease that can be medically severe and physically invisible at the same time. There are no physical implications of its symptoms. Hence the primary step required to address the situation is to increase the understanding of the disease and the specific needs of workers who are suffering from it. Most importantly the employers must have clear understanding and adequate knowledge of the problems a person with arthritis at workplace might face, in order for the worker to remain employed and maintain a healthy productivity (Mancuso, Paget and Charlson 2000). The employer needs to bear additional provisions like sick leave and additional ergonomically designed equipment suitable for such patients. The employee needs to keep the symptoms of the disease under control through medical and therapeutic intervention. Most of the common symptoms of arthritis including lack of mobility, pain, inflammation and stiffness can be reduced with the use of appropriate combination of drugs (Gignac 2004). During the early phase of diagnosis the patient often loses emotional and mental peace due to the fact that they are having a chronic lifelong disease. This often makes the patient lose temper at workplace (Li, Gignac and Anis 2006). Employers having knowledge of the condition are able to handle such situations with sensibility and ease. With progression of time these symptoms become control and the patient can continue working as normal. The employers must be lenient with sick leaves to allow the worker to make visits to the hospital or the physician whenever required. Employed people being diagnosed with the condition need to grant time off for the worker until the symptoms are stabilize by the prescribed drugs. The physician has a huge role to play to enable the patient manage his condition at work. They can elucidate how the patients condition is influence depending on what their job is and work they do at work. Often due to severity of the symptoms of arthritis patients tend to ignore other related health issues that might be prevalent. The physician needs to address such issues to avoid further detrimental health situations in the future. Studies have found that people who have their disease under control often choose not to disclose their health condition to the employer and the colleagues (). Causes behind such decisions may arise from embarrassment of being treated as disabled, from the fear of discrimination at work and from the fear that his/her condition will not be comprehended in a sensible manner by others due to lack of knowledge. Appropriate employee management practices must be followed by the employer while communicating with employee to make them feel comfortable and instill them a sense of trust so that they feel confident to share serious issues. The employer must ensure confidentiality on issues according to the will of the employee. Understanding the capabilities and limitations of the worker caused by the occurrence of arthritis on part of the employer is indispensible in such cases. It is the responsibility of the employer and the management to discuss the problems the worker is facing while at work and act according to find out new ways to overcome them. Adjustments largely depend on the type of work the worker performs. It may include the allotting the worker with less physical jobs and still utilize the skills or reducing the time they spent is works that can worsen their disease condition. Discrimination is another widespread challenge that patients with arthritis face at work. It is unethical to and unlawful at certain countries to treat workers differently due to the presence or absence of a diseased condition (De Castro, Gee and Takeuchi 2008). The employer must not treat a disabled person in an unfavorable manner due to any issue that arises from their disability. Disability related sickness should be considered separately compared to general sickness. Reasonable adjustments should be made for workers with arthritis to ensure that they have accessibility to things as non-disabled workers and maintain a steady work rate despite of several limitations. Flexible working hours and additional breaks or working from home may allow the worker to adapt to the symptoms with more ease (Munir et al 2005). Adjustments in duties and responsibilities can be changed according to the requirements and recommendation of the physician. Support can be provided to perform part of their job which is not suitable to manage the disease. The employer should provide the worker with equipment such as ergonomically designed tools that might reduce the impact of their working activities on their condition. While taking a decision or making adjustments the employers may also face certain challenges (Mancuso et al 2005). The employer needs to consider the rationality and practicality of the decision, the extent of the financial resources of the organization and the type and size of the organization. Finally, workplace assessments can provide an insight on what adjustments the required and to what extent. An assessment can be done on on different aspects in a workplace by professional such as Occupational Health Therapists, Physiotherapists, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, an Access to Work Advisor or an Occupational Health Nursing Advisor. Assessment of the employees job and the physical environment can determine how the tasks can be modified and simplified according to the workers needs. Further there may be lack of professional support and resources required for the employer and its employee to overcome the work related challenges. Support and information can be provided by government organization aimed to reduce work related obstacles for disabled workers. Conclusion and Recommendations The most potent solution that can help tackle the challenges of our concerned worker is adjustments of duties and tasks the employee is performing. As the task of the worker demands repeated and frequent use of tools and It is impractical to carry out automotive repairing without the repeated use of such tools, his employer must make adjustments in his task. He should be allotted a job which is less frequent and does not pose any additional threat in worsening his diseased state. To make such adjustments, assistance is required from certain professionals who can assess the condition of the worker as well as jobs that are suitable for the worker. A physician and an occupational therapist are necessary to perform the assessments and recommend the tasks that can be performed by the disabled worker with minimum risk factors. The occupational therapist must consult with the employer and make specific changes in the working hours and provide tools and equipment that will aid the worker in performing his tasks. The employee must visit his physician on a regular basis to monitor the progress of his condition and makes changes accordingly by consulting with his employer and occupational therapist. This can keep his arthritic effects under control on the long run and ensure that he performs his tasks with least interruption and reasonable productivity. References Adamou, M., Wadsworth, A., Tullett, M. and Williams, N., 2011. Hidden impairments, the Equality Act and occupational physicians.Occupational medicine,61(7), pp.453-455. (2016). What Is Arthritis?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Nov. 2016]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009. Prevalence and most common causes of disability among adults--United States, 2005.MMWR: Morbidity and mortality weekly report,58(16), pp.421-426. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

SM entertainment analysis free essay sample

Training System specializing in entertainment Producing entertainers that has competitiveness on the world-wide basis   : Training for Vocalist Training for vocal, dancing, song writing and foreign language : Training for Actor Training for acting and foreign language : SM Academy [http://www. sm-academy. com] (Corp) SM Academy : Institution for entertainment which has professional training system PRODUCING (Making MUSIC / VISUAL IMAGE) : Music Producing The producing system run by one of the most prominent producers such as Lee Soo Man, You Young Jin. Collecting/ managing music sources in Korea and overseas : Visual Producing -Managing CD jacket, poster, costume and dancing A producing system directed by the best visual director MANAGEMENT (Vocalist, Actor) : Vocalist Management Managing vocalists affiliated to S. M such as Kang Ta, BoA, Dong Bang Shin Ki, : Actor Management Managing TV actor/Movie Actor/ Comedian Managing public relation of artist(TV, Newspaper, Cable TV, Magazine etc) Managing artist’s showing up at every event and for commercial ad. We will write a custom essay sample on SM entertainment analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Managing planning/hosting concert for artist AGENCY Managing models of Korea and Asia more professionally and systematically Not following the typical way of public relations with advertiser or    its agency, it satisfies clients’ trend and their tastes by taking model that    appeals with freshness and popularity TV/Newspaper, Commercial Ad, Events, Sponsor, PPL, Promotion, Magazine